blue toilet water

Why Is My Toilet Water Blue?

When you flush the toilet, you probably expect it to deliver crystal clear water. But it doesn’t always work like that, as your toilet may surprise you with unusual bluish shades.

So what’s the deal with the blue toilet water? Most times, the blue toilet water appears because you have corroded copper pipes. Another option is that you use blue toilet tablets that give water strange bluish tones.

But what can you do about blue water, and is it dangerous at all? Let’s find it out!

Why Do You See Blue Toilet Water?

Only a few things can cause the water in your toilet to turn blue, so it’s easy to identify the problem in your home.

Corrosion in Copper Pipes

Some toilets receive water from a copper plumbing system, and it works well if the pipes are in good shape. But when corrosion sets in, your water will be tainted with blue.

The reason is that the copper in the pipes corrodes when exposed to oxygen and chlorine from regular tap water. The oxidized copper then gives the water a blue shade.

It not only looks strange but also shows that your plumbing lines are old and worn out.

High Copper Levels in Your Area

Some towns have elevated copper levels, and it can affect your plumbing system. If you notice blue liquid appearing frequently, check if others in the neighborhood report seeing the same thing in their toilets.

If they do, the local soil is likely copper-rich.

You Are Using Blue Toilet Tablets

Cleaning tablets often contain blue pigment (AKA blue dye) that gives the water a bluish shade. If you put them under the ring or in the toilet tank, it’s logical to see the water getting that unusual shade.

Using blue cleaning tablets is somewhat controversial — although they clean well, tablets also come with a series of disadvantages. But we’ll talk about that in one of the following sections!

What Is the Blue Ring in Your Toilet Bowl?

The blue ring in your toilet bowl is the first sign of oxidation in the pipes the blue color appears if copper interacts with oxygen in tap water. However, it’s important to know that copper stains don’t affect the quality of toilet water.

The blue ring forms near the bottom of the bowl, so you’ll notice it at the water level. It’s not harmful, but it looks strange – that’s why some people try to get rid of the blue ring using various chemicals.

You may need to scrub with a brush or pumice stone to remove these stains, but it’s only a temporary solution. If your sewage pipes are corroded, the ring will keep popping up in the toilet bowl.

Is Blue Toilet Water Dangerous?

High copper levels in the plumbing system can be dangerous, but blue toilet water usually isn’t. In the long run, it can have bad consequences, so let’s see how it affects you and your outlet drains.

How Do the Blue Water Impact Humans?

Long-term exposure to copper-rich water can lead to certain health conditions. For instance, a high level of copper may lead to health issues such as nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and similar.

It’s unlikely that you will experience any negative effects if colored liquid touches your skin — some people may develop rashes, but that’s very rare. In case the bluish water gets in your eyes, you may feel eye irritation.

However, these symptoms are extremely rare because they require unusually high copper levels in the plumbing lines.

Bathroom Piping

A more serious problem with copper-rich water is that it can harm the drain, faucet, and pipes in your home. The blue ring at the bottom of the toilet bowl may look harmless, but it’s a warning sign that your plumbing system has issues to deal with.

If corrosion continues its work, you may experience one of these issues:

More importantly, you should pay attention to the exposed metal items in the bathroom. Corrosion can cause leakages, leading to electrical problems in your home.

How to Prevent Blue Toilet Water?

Preventing blue water in the toilet can be a daunting task because it’s not easy to cure the cause. However, we can suggest a couple of steps that you can take to get rid of the bluish ring in your toilet bowl.

Use Water Filters

It’s impossible to stop the oxidation process in old and rusty pipes, but you can improve the water condition with filters. Water filters can eliminate copper traces before the water exits the toilet tank, removing the strange color before it gets to you.

You can use various water filters such as activated carbon filters, chlorine filters, ion exchange filters, and fluoride removal. All these filters can help you get rid of copper, but they also fend off other unwanted elements from tap water.

Change the Piping in Your Home

If you want to prevent water discoloration for good, you have to address the actual cause — corroded drainage pipes. There’s no way around it as you’ll need to replace the existing plumbing system with plastic elements.

The blue color of the toilet water is a sign of old copper pipes and fittings, especially if your plumbing system is older than 10 or 15 years. Of course, it’s not the average DIY bathroom project.

You need to consult a licensed plumber to get more information about the best options. High-quality plastic pipes don’t corrode and require less maintenance, so you may also want to consider them.

Bear in mind that the replacement of copper piping is an expensive project. Our advice is to use filters until you make detailed plans on how to keep your plumbing system safe.

Are Cleaning Tablets Bad for Your Toilet?

Blue toilet cleaners cause quite some controversy, leaving a lot of users dazed and confused. The truth is that blue toilet cleaners do a great job keeping the toilet clean, but they damage the bathroom throne in the long run.

The idea behind a tablet is that it keeps the toilet fresh by creating a barrier between toilet water and metals. To be more precise, the tablet creates an invisible coating on the inside of your toilet bowl to prevent stains.

But every time you flush a tablet, it gives the toilet water a bluish tint. Apart from that, toilet tablets have a whole range of pros and cons. Here are the most important benefits:

  • Blue tablets  have a pleasant smell that fills the bathroom
  • Cleaning tablets form a protective barrier, keeping stains away for longer
  • It’s easy to store and use blue tablets
  • Tablets make it easier to clean the toilet tank in case of mineral deposits
  • The toilet is always clean, keeping that elegant white color 

On the other side, cleaning tablets have a few drawbacks as well. They can harm your toilet after a while:

  • Tablets gnaw rubber and metal parts in the plumbing system, creating cracks and holes in the pipes and the tank
  • They damage toilet parts such as the flush valve 
  • They are especially bad for pets if they drink water from the bowl
  • Chlorine in cleaning tablets also jeopardizes the septic system. If your toilet doesn’t connect to the sewer, avoid using tablets 
  • Continuously purchasing cleaning tablets can be a high cost

The best solution is to use cleaning tablets moderately. Perhaps you can do it weekly or biweekly — it’s enough to keep the toilet clean, but it’s too little to jeopardize the functionality of the system. 

Can Toilet Water Have Other Colors?

Yes, toilet water can have many different colors — it depends on the chemicals discolorating the liquid. Here are the most common options:

Brown or Orange

Many plumbing systems consist of iron parts. When you notice brown or orange colors in the toilet bowl, it’s a sign that the iron is rusty and corroded. It interferes with the usual appearance of the toilet water, making it look dirty.

Black and Dark Shades

If you notice black or dark shades in the toilet, rest assured you’re dealing with mildew stains. Black mold flourishes in dark and wet environments. Your toilet sets a perfect stage for it, so don’t be surprised to discover black stains in the toilet.

Yellow Stains

Sometimes you’ll find ugly yellow stains in the bowl. They look terrible, but the problem is benign — it is almost always urine that doesn’t go down the drains. Your toilet smells like urine, but you can clean it quickly to make it look new.

The Bottom Line

The blue water color in your toilet is a sign that there is rusty copper piping in your home. If you want to prevent the bluish tint, consider using water filters or changing your piping with plastic elements.

Sometimes the problem comes from cleaning tablets — they clean the toilet with ease, but they also harm the plumbing system. If possible, avoid cleaning tablets because they aren’t good for the piping, your pets, and the environment.


Is blue toilet water bad?

Yes, blue toilet water is bad because it indicates a problem with the plumbing lines. It often reveals that your copper piping is old and rusty – corrosion gradually breaks copper, making the toilet water blue. 

Another common cause of bluish toilet water is a cleaning tablet. If you use blue tablets to maintain the toilet, they will probably disseminate bluish tint and discolor the water.  

How do you remove blue water stains from a toilet?

Blue stains in a toilet indicate metal traces inside the bowl — most likely, you have old copper piping. If these stains bother you, consider replacing your plumbing system with plastic elements.

Another option is to use water filters. Filters don’t treat the cause (rusty pipes), but they can help you fend off the symptoms. Besides that, you can stop using cleaning tablets. 


