James Burgin

Professional Renovator and Industrial Designer
Industrial Design
Bathroom Renovating
DIY and Home Handyman

James Burgin

Professional Renovator, Writer, and Editor with a Degree in Industrial Design

  • Industrial Design Expert: Graduated with a Degree in Industrial Design from the University of Canberra.
  • Professional Renovator: Passionate and experienced in transforming spaces with a keen eye for design and functionality.
  • Multilingual World Traveler: An avid traveler fluent in two languages, bringing a global perspective to his work.


James Burgin is a unique blend of creativity and practicality. With a Degree in Industrial Design from the University of Canberra, James has a solid foundation in designing functional and aesthetically pleasing products. His journey didn't stop there; he ventured into the renovation world, where he applied his design principles to revitalize living spaces. James articulates his renovation experiences and design insights as a writer and editor, sharing his knowledge with a wider audience. His proficiency in two languages and his love for travel give him a broader perspective, enriching his writing with diverse cultural insights.

Philosophy and Writing

James approaches writing with the same meticulous attention to detail that he applies to design and renovation. He believes in creating content that is not only informative but also engaging and accessible to a diverse audience. His philosophy centers on the convergence of design, functionality, and cultural diversity, reflecting his academic background and interests.

Personal Interests

Beyond his professional pursuits, James is an enthusiastic traveler, exploring different cultures and landscapes, further enriching his design perspective. His multilingual ability not only aids in his travels but also allows him to connect with a broader range of audiences, both in his writing and renovation projects.

Future Endeavors

Looking ahead, James aims to continue merging his love for design, renovation, and writing. He is committed to sharing his extensive knowledge and unique experiences, inspiring others to see the potential in every space and design opportunity. He is the editor-in-chief at Bomisch and oversees content creation for the website. James Burgin is a professional who combines his industrial design expertise with practical renovation skills. His multicultural experiences and linguistic abilities further add depth to his work, making him a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration in design and renovation.

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