Slow Close Toilet Seats And Hinges: What You Need To Know

Slow Close Toilet Seats And Hinges: What You Need To Know

There are no places in the house more important than the bathroom, and everybody wants to ensure that their bathroom facilities are working exactly as they want them to – and toilets are no exception to this rule.

Slow Close Toilet Seats And Hinges: What You Need To Know

Slow close toilet seats however are a cause for contention. Many people would prefer to have them in their bathroom, whereas other people think they’re more trouble than they’re worth. 

Bizarrely though, there’s a lot of reasons why you might want to consider upgrading your toilet seat to a slow close toilet seat including safety and quality. So, I’m going to examine these and much more.

My guide below provides you everything you need to know about slow close toilet seats and hinges, and I’ll answer all of your most burning questions. 

Ready to learn more? Then read on!

Slow Close Toilet Seats 

You know, I hear a lot of people saying that they’ve always wanted to improve their bathrooms in terms of efficiency, cleanliness and ease of access.

One thing I’ve said for a while now is that it’s a great idea to upgrade to a slow close toilet seat. 

If you’re one of those people though, you’re likely now asking yourself – what exactly is a slow close toilet seat? Let me show you.

What Is A Slow Close Toilet Seat?

Essentially, a slow close toilet seat is a seat fixed to your toilet that closes as soon as you put some pressure onto it. As soon as it starts to move downwards, it will slowly do so until it closes.

Of course, gravity is the key thing here – but it’s the special hinges that controls how quickly the seat is forced downwards. They are designed to prevent toilet seats from slamming down quickly and with force.

This system is very quiet and it does not require a lot of effort. You simply need to give it a light push and then you’ll see the toilet seat coming to a very slow, controlled close.

Now, there are a number of reasons why you’d be advised to get one of these seats installed. 

So, let me give you five of the most important and most beneficial reasons for upgrading to a slow close toilet seat.

Reasons To Get A Slow Close Toilet Seat 

The five main reasons to get yourself a slow close toilet seat range from its safety to its quality – so let’s examine them in a little more detail.

1. Prevents Slamming 

Perhaps the biggest advantage of a slow close toilet seat, and technically it’s the whole point of it, is that it prevents the toilet seat from slamming. When toilet seats slam, there’s a risk that they can shatter or affect the hinges. 

Either way, you end up with a very uncomfortable (or unusable) toilet seat – and that’s bad for you and any guests who might come to your house! 

You might think to yourself that you’re unlikely to slam your toilet seat, but you’d be surprised how often it happens by accident, by your kids or even your pets.

Now, consider this happening at 3am and waking you up with a loud bang! 

So, yeah – preventing slamming is definitely a key benefit! 

2. Improves Safety For Your Children 

I’ve heard of this happening a lot, where small children go to use the toilet and they accidentally catch their little fingers under the seat because it slams on them.

Of course, this could also happen to your pets – but it’s arguably more important with children involved.

3. Improves Hygiene 

It’s funny. When I mention this point to people, they look at me baffled at how a slow close toilet seat can improve hygiene – but it’s actually quite simple.

With less “hands on” action going on trying to prevent the seat from slamming, there’s less chance of bacteria transfer.

In other words, if you do not need to touch the toilet seat all over because you just need to lightly tap it from the back, then the risk of additional bacteria is lowered. Not to mention that fewer hands have touched the seat. 

Additionally, a lot of slow close toilet seats have hinges that you can easily remove, which means it’s much easier to properly clean the toilet (and the seat) – so it certainly improves hygiene.

4. “Trains People” To Close The Toilet Seat

“Trains People” To Close The Toilet Seat

This is a point that women especially have spoken about. Many men have this propensity to forget to close the toilet seat – but weirdly a slow close toilet seat has in many ways trained them to close the seat!

It’s not exactly clear why this is the case, but maybe it’s because it’s a modern system and a lot less work? Who knows.

All we do know is that children and men are more likely to close these seats – and that can make your home much happier.

5. Higher Seat Quality 

The fact of the matter is, these seats are actually built better than the old models – and this gives them more longevity, comfort and just generally a better quality. 

One of the things I’ve always despised about low grade toilets is how quickly and easily the hinges come loose, making the seat move around constantly. Luckily, with this design – there’s no need to panic about that for a while.

That being said, don’t expect these types of seats to be miracle workers. They, like everything else, have their own pros and cons – so it’s very important to keep this in mind. 

While these seats should last you a long time, you also have to remember to provide them the time and care to help prolong their life.

Potential Drawbacks Of A Slow Close Toilet Seat

Nothing is free from scrutiny, and slow close toilet seats are no exception to this rule.

The fact is, products that use mechanical systems like this, and that are used frequently are eventually going to wear out, get dirty beyond cleaning and break beyond repair.

So, you might find that eventually your much improved toilet seat needs to be repaired or replaced. Some of the most common complaints that you might report are:

  • Eventually the hinges come loose 
  • Once the hinges are worn out, the seat slams
  • The seat cracks
  • Hinge cylinders seem to be leaking fluid
  • Surfaces become stained beyond cleaning 
  • Offensive smells from the seat that cannot be eradicated

It’s important for me to tell you at this point though that while some of these complaints listed above are going to be a total replacement situation, some of them can be rectified.

I’ll show you some of the ways to repair your seat in the next section.

Repairing Your Slow Close Toilet Seat

As I briefly mentioned earlier, the problems which I’ve listed previously are common but they are problems which every single toilet seat will have to deal with.

However, slow close toilet seats are generally a much higher quality, so you expect longevity with them.

Indeed, as they are often slightly higher priced than regular seats, you want them to last as long as possible.

Luckily there are some things you can do to help prolong their lives – and sometimes it’s a case of prevention over fix. 

Let me show you a few of those common complaints I gave earlier and break down what you can do to help solve the problems.

Stained Seats With Offensive Smells 

Stained Seats With Offensive Smells 

Some people wrongly believe that these problems are caused by poor hygiene, but actually it could be the opposite. If you use bathroom cleaner sprays on your toilet, you might want to reconsider.

This is because bathroom cleaners, some of them at least, can cause paint damage to some seats, and this is especially common if they are not wiped dry – which can be tricky with white seats. 

Therefore, a quick preventative measure here is to use disinfectant wipes and then go over the area finally with a paper towel to ensure the area is both clean and dry.

Additionally, some medications that people take have been known to react from their urine to the seat which causes stains. If this is the case, it’s wise to clean the seat more regularly. 

Seat Isn’t Working Properly Anymore 

Sometimes it’s possible for slow close toilet seats to have an issue with the mechanism which is responsible for the “slow” part of the closing process. This problem is often due to the cylinders bursting or cracking.

You will know this is the problem if you notice a strange, viscous fluid leaking around. Do you know why this problem occurs most often though? People trying to force the seat to close quicker than they were designed to!

Indeed, children or people who are not used to seats like this are often the culprits behind this problem. If you notice the seat moving from side to side or slamming down, these can be down to these cylinders too.

Simply put, to fix this problem – you’ll first want to prevent it by telling everybody NOT to force the seat closed. However, if a cylinder has already burst, you’ll need to get a replacement and ensure you clean the area free of fluid.

That being said, it’s also entirely plausible that it isn’t the cylinders. Sometimes, the seat is not working as it should because it has simply become too dirty. Usually, this is a build-up of grime underneath and around the hinges. 

Once this happens, the hinges no longer operate properly and the seat will begin moving to one side or slam. There is however, a simple way to prevent this problem – clean the toilet unit regularly and thoroughly. 

The Seat Cracks

If you find that the seat has cracked, then you will need to buy a replacement as soon as possible.

It’s not wise to create a small fix (like tape for example) when you have a cracked toilet seat, because you could easily get injured when using the toilet or cleaning the area.

This is particularly true when it comes to children and pets, so ensure you inform everyone in the household and take reasonable precautions. 

However, there are easy ways to prevent the seat from cracking. Normally, toilet seats crack due to too much pressure being placed onto them.

Sometimes that’s because someone has stood on them, sat on the upper lid when closed, or simply time has worn it out.

Therefore, the preventative measure is to avoid putting too much pressure on the seat. Do not stand on it and do not place any heavy items onto it.

Be sure to note how long you have had your seat for too, in case it’s nearly time for a replacement. 

Slow Close Toilet Seats: Are They Worth It?

You’re probably reading all of this and questioning if these types of seats are worth it, and I have to say they are. The fact is, all toilet seats will have the same problems pretty much, over time. 

At least with slow close toilet seats, you have the added benefits of comfort, safety, quality and accessibility for cleaning them. 

Not only that, but generally speaking, slow close toilet seats aren’t unaffordable, and in many cases they’re only slightly more expensive than regular toilet seats.

The difference is, you’ll have these seats for longer, so you might save money over time too.

The Bottom Line 

And that’s all you really need to know about slow close toilet seats. I hope I have been able to provide you with all the information you were looking for. Good luck out there with your search. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Long Do Slow Close Toilet Seats Last?

Typically, you can expect these sorts of toilet seats to last about five years. They can last longer with good care, and of course can last a lot less time without the right care! 

How Can I Prevent My Seat From Squeaking?

If you find your toilet seat is squeaking, creaking or otherwise, then the likelihood is that the components are not tight. All you need to do is locate the nuts which keep the screws in place and tighten them up.

Are All Slow Close Toilet Seats Adjustable?

Some are but some are not. Be sure you check when you find your favorite one because it will make a huge difference to how you set it up, or put it back after cleaning.



